Just when I thought I was out…

Sigh. I’m starting this thing up again. I just can’t find any other blog setup that satisfies right now. This will have to do for the time being.

I do have a lot of Thoughts About Things but my powers of concentration are still low. So I can’t promise frequent posts, but we’ll see.

I will hack no more forever

I got tired of trying to do something with Textpattern so I’ve moved over here. Call it laziness. And yes, I’m off my own server — that’s going to be used mainly for storage and archiving my stuff and some other projects. WordPress.com offers lots of nice things for free and my one main complaint, that I couldn’t seem to set up a Paypal donation button, is no longer a problem. (I don’t have one up now because I’m okay with funds; but the main thing with WordPress.com is they don’t allow click-thru ads or something but they do have a work-around which was so simple I am embarrassed to admit it didn’t occur to me. Anyway.)

So the Twisted Spinster is back. More twisted than ever, I promise. As you can see if you scroll down the main page I’ve already put up a few posts. Feel free to read and comment.

I’m following you

Hi people who may have noticed I started following you. Don’t be scared — I don’t bite. Much. Actually, I’m a bit self-conscious about the whole “follow” thing, even though I’ve gotten used to it over on Tumblr. But I don’t follow a lot of people. I’m not sure if it’s rude or not.

Anyway, you don’t have to follow me back. One of these days I’ll get around to posting a “follow policy” like I have on my Tumblr site. Maybe.