
Okay, look. The excuse that you’re only bringing up the dog thing because Obama’s “side” keeps attacking Mitt Romney for putting their dog on top of their car won’t wash any more. Just admit it: you want to circumscribe not only what it means to be a proper American, but what it means to be a proper boy. I mean for fuck’s sake, put a plate of anything in front of a “normal” spoiled six-year old American boy that isn’t one of the following: hot dogs; macaroni-and-cheese; or a hamburger — and “see what you get.” On the other hand, lock up a bunch of Americans for a week in a place without food and I’ll bet you it won’t take but an hour of hunger pangs before they start eating each other.

One more thing. No, two. I’m sure Korean-Americans who’ve visited their relatives in the old country and maybe eaten dog because yes they eat that there are glad they can now lop the “American” off their ethnic designation. The other thing is this: there’s a scene in the movie Little Big Man where the young white kid is brought into the Cheyenne encampment and is served a portion of dog meat. “Dog is pretty good,” he reflects in voice over. That’s right, Native Americans not only kept dogs, they ate them. Wow, I guess that means the white man was right to kill as many of them as he could! After all, dogs are sacred to “normal” six-year-old boys.